The partner company Gtsemg the so-called Smartsense
From an idea to a functioning enterprise
complex design of industrial facilities,
Construction, commissioning, and modernization of existing enterprises
"Gtsemg" LLC - SmartSense (innovative systems) offers you the following:
We are designing, constructing, and commissioning industrial facilities and modernization of existing industrial facilities. Also, it provides services for managing small and large industrial projects. Our main profile is food industry facilities, large and small enterprises, the processing industry, combined production, agricultural facilities, and primary and secondary production. Our company's slogan is: "From an idea to a functioning enterprise."
We have experience in Georgia and abroad in the implementation of projects of such enterprises as the production of milk and dairy products, the production of bread and cookies, the confectionery industry, the production of fatty products, extruded products, production of semi-finished products, canning production, production of frozen vegetables, as well as production of dried fruits, honey processing-valuation, long-term fruit and vegetable storage cold storage, production of concentrates and juices, production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, production of various types of sauces, production of combined feed in animal husbandry, greenhouse farming, technological part of cafes and restaurants.
Projecting means the development of a project and technological, complex documentation. According to the project presented by our company, the customer will see the implementation of the idea presented by him in the theoretical cycle according to the pre-arranged budget—and the result of the reconstruction of the existing facility.
Innovation itself means the result of obtaining a new, compelling product (service), the method of production, and subsequent sale in the domestic and foreign markets. It is the final stage of the creative process regarding its practical implementation. If creativity refers to the creation of novelty, the content of innovation refers to the practical application of the created wonder. Thus, as the final result of the scientific-industrial cycle, it is considered continuous from the innovative processes.
Basic design principles:
Aesthetically refined external appearance of the building;
minimized environmental impact and alteration of the existing landscape;
Guided by the principles of modern architecture,
energy-saving buildings;
easy-to-process and environmentally friendly building materials;
modern and fast technologies;
the laboriousness and duration of construction works are minimized;
Buildings are structurally safe and sustainable, provided for seismic load. Economically appropriate, designed for long-term safe operation;
Minimum operation and maintenance costs of the object.
The project is implemented in 10 main parts:
The economic part of the project
Exploration works
Conceptual design sketch
technological part
architectural part
Constructive part
Engineering part of the project
Construction organization project
Ecological project
Cost accounting part
"Gtsemg" LLC - SmartSense Designing of construction facilities
Projecting is the most critical stage for any building or structure. The quality of the project determines the price and term of the construction object. Also, safety, energy efficiency, comfortable operating conditions, and high life expectancy.
Types of design:
Construction design is divided into four main types:
1. Design of above-ground facilities, industrial facilities, warehouses, trade networks, etc.
2. Projecting of engineering structures. Bridges, overpasses, water supply networks, roads, etc
3. Landscape design, vertical planning, improvement, and landscaping project development
4. Special design of various engineering systems, such as water supply, electricity supply, sewerage, ventilation, etc.
"Jitisyemji" LLC - SmartSense can design all these types of objects, both separately and in a complex.
Stages of work
Stage 1 - pre-design work or development of a sketch project. At this stage, the main parameters of the future object will be defined and developed. The organization of the project agrees with the client - the overall dimensions of the building and the number of floors, area, and purpose of the building, planning, architectural features, and other aspects. Sketches of the object and its 3D model are created based on the received data.
Stage 2 - development of the project. Based on the sketch project, technical building, construction rules and norms, architectural, structural, technological, volumetric planning, engineering solutions, and cost estimation of the object will be developed.
Stage 3 - development of working documentation. After the project is approved, a set of drawings, specifications, and cost estimates are created, according to which the reconstruction or construction of the structure or building is carried out, as well as the plans.
Organization and performance of work.
In addition, a design project can be developed - a project for exterior and interior decoration.
Advantages of designing services offered by the company LLC. "gtesmg" - Smartsense
We are designing buildings of any scale and purpose, including easily explosive and flammable objects.
Work "from an idea to a functioning enterprise" - you receive a complete set of documents, from object sketches to working drawings.
Extensive experience in project development, examples of which are given in the "Our Projects" section.
Possibility of ordering additional services:
- Selection of the construction site
- Development of conceptual design
- Assessment of the technical condition of the object
You can also use the offer of our partners: verified builders, equipment suppliers, etc.
To get detailed information about our company's services in the field of designing capital construction facilities in Tbilisi - contact us at + (995-32) 237-10-07 or write to us at smartsense999@gmail.com