
active grants

Current grant competitions and programs (application can be submitted at any time):
✅ Grant up to 500,000 GEL (up to 15% of the loan), interest subsidy (5%) and loan guarantee (up to 80%) within the "Business Universal" program of the "Make in Georgia" agency for up to 0.5 megawatts of ☀️ solar, 🌪 wind and 🌊 email from hydro sources. For energy production! You can get a grant of up to 25% of the loan taken for this energy investment. how Contact me at 577 73 79 64 and I will explain it to you.
👉 https://www.enterprisegeorgia.gov.ge/ka/Business-Development/Business-Universal

✅ EBRD program EU4BUSINESS|EBRD Credit Line. If you are manufacturing (and not only) or expanding, the EBRD loan can be quite interesting for you.
Cashback (same as grant): up to 15% of the loan
👉 https://www.eu4business-ebrdcreditline.ge/en/

✅📣 "Make in Georgia" export promotion grant program helps small and medium businesses to increase their export potential and implement export stimulating mechanisms with the following components: certification and licensing; branding/product packaging; entering the international network;
👉 Branding – https://bit.ly/3RfRg8M; Certification – https://bit.ly/3Tr7gqS; Entering the international network – https://bit.ly/46SpCnS

✅ Horizon Europe grant opportunities
Grant: Varies by program
👉 http://horizoneurope.org.ge/ka/text/3

✅ RDA program for livestock farmers.
New conditions have been included in the proposed credit conditions, which are very useful for livestock farmers.
👉 https://www.rda.gov.ge/articles/news/879094-sophlis-ganvitarebis-saagento-mesaqonleobis-mimartulebit-tanadaphinansebas-akhali-pirobebit-gastsems

✅ "Make in Georgia" agency is developing consulting centers in 2024-2025, where you can get up to 90% grant/co-financing for business development in 6 main areas: sales and marketing, tax issues, legal issues, finance and accounting, business modeling and strategy planning, Digitization.
Grant: up to 25,000 GEL (up to 90%).
👉 https://growthhub.gov.ge/ka/business%20 support/consultation_service

✅ Civil and Economic Integration Grant Program. United Nations Association of Georgia.
Grant: $120,000
👉 https://una.ge/archive?id=866

✅ All programs of the Rural Development Agency:
👉 https://www.rda.gov.ge/programs

✅ All "Produce in Georgia" programs:
👉 https://www.enterprisegeorgia.gov.ge/ka/Business-Development

✅ All GITA programs:
👉 https://grants.gov.ge/ka/grants

✅ Competitions and programs of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia
👉 https://rustaveli.org.ge/geo/konkursebi-da-programebi

✅ European Fund grant mechanism
👉 https://epfound.ge/ge/grantmaking/overview

✅ Startup Georgia: innovative business promotion program. Application form page
👉 http://startup.gov.ge/geo/application

✅ RDA breastfeeding program.
Grant: up to 110,000 GEL
👉 https://www.rda.gov.ge/programs/490937-merdzeveobis-dargis-modernizatsiis-da-bazarze-tsvdomis-sakhelmtsipho-programa/d05deba5-0cca-4990-8e39-2afc7bb6f0ac
The application can be submitted from February 5, 2024. The deadline has not been determined

Below are the grant competitions in order of approaching deadline:
✅ US Embassy grant for publishing houses and educational institutions for translation of books by American authors.
Grant: up to $10,000
👉 https://ge.usembassy.gov/ka/book-translation-program-pas-ka/
The deadlines for electronic receipt of project applications are: March 15, 2024 and May 15, 2024.

✅ "Orbeliani Meti" is an innovative crowdfunding platform to support social initiatives. "Ideas contest" has started on "Orbeliani Metis" platform, and any citizen of Georgia can send his own initiative, which will be focused on the well-being of a specific community or society.
Raised capital: depends on the results of crowdfunding
👉 https://www.facebook.com/OrbelianiMeti
Application Deadline: March 15, 2024

✅ Grants for media organizations!
Grant: Up to $10,000
👉 https://www.irex.org/program/equipment-upgrade-initiative-request-applications-rfa-usaid-georgia-media-program
Application Deadline: March 28, 2024

✅ Annual grant competition for access to funds of USAID's Strong Village Program.
Grant: $10,000
👉 https://www.jobs.ge/ge/?view=jobs&id=516344
Application Deadline: March 31, 2024

✅ Grant for cultural heritage projects implemented by civil society organizations!
Grant: up to 50,000 euros
👉 https://www.europeanheritagehub.eu/call-for-applications-small-grants-scheme-for-heritage-related-projects-led-by-civil-society-in-eu-neighboring-countries/
Application Deadline: March 31, 2024

✅ US Embassy grant for alumni of American programs.
Grant: up to $20,000
👉 https://ge.usembassy.gov/ka/alumni-grants-pas-ka/
Application Deadline: April 12, 2024

Last grant competitions and programs (application can be submitted at any time):
✅ Up to 500,000 GEL grant (up to 15% of the loan), interest subsidy (5%) and loan guarantee (up to 80%) within the "Business Universal" program of the "Make in Georgia" agency for up to 0.5 megawatts of ☀️ solar, 🌪 wind and 🌊 email from hydro sources. For energy production! You can get a grant of up to 25% of the loan taken for this energy investment. how Contact me at 577 73 79 64 and I will explain it to you.
👉 https://www.enterprisegeorgia.gov.ge/ka/Business-Development/Business-Universal

✅ EBRD program EU4BUSINESS|EBRD Credit Line. If you are manufacturing (and not only) or expanding, the EBRD loan can be quite interesting for you.
Cashback (same as grant): up to 15% of the loan
👉 https://www.eu4business-ebrdcreditline.ge/en/

✅📣 "Produce in Georgia" export stimulation grant program helps small and medium-sized businesses to increase their export potential and implement export stimulation mechanisms with the following components: certification and licensing; branding/product packaging; entering the international network;
👉 Branding – https://bit.ly/3RfRg8M; Certification – https://bit.ly/3Tr7gqS; Entering the international network – https://bit.ly/46SpCnS

✅ Horizon Europe grant opportunities
Grant: Varies by program
👉 http://horizoneurope.org.ge/ka/text/3

✅ RDA program for livestock farmers.
New conditions have been included in the proposed credit conditions, which are very useful for livestock farmers.
👉 https://www.rda.gov.ge/articles/news/879094-sophlis-ganvitarebis-saagento-mesaqonleobis-mimartulebit-tanadaphinansebas-akhali-pirobebit-gastsems

✅ "Make in Georgia" agency is developing consulting centers in 2024-2025, where you can get up to 90% grant/co-financing for business development in 6 main areas: sales and marketing, tax issues, legal issues, finance and accounting, business modeling and strategy planning, Digitization.
Grant: up to 25,000 GEL (up to 90%).
👉 https://growthhub.gov.ge/ka/business%20 support/consultation_service

✅ Civil and Economic Integration Grant Program. United Nations Association of Georgia.
Grant: $120,000
👉 https://una.ge/archive?id=866

✅ All programs of the Rural Development Agency:
👉 https://www.rda.gov.ge/programs

✅ All "Produce in Georgia" programs:
👉 https://www.enterprisegeorgia.gov.ge/ka/Business-Development

✅ All GITA programs:
👉 https://grants.gov.ge/ka/grants

✅ Contests and programs of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia
👉 https://rustaveli.org.ge/geo/konkursebi-da-programebi

✅ European Fund grant mechanism
👉 https://epfound.ge/ge/grantmaking/overview

✅ Startup Georgia: innovative business promotion program. Application form page
👉 http://startup.gov.ge/geo/application

Below are the grant competitions in order of approaching deadline:
✅ RDA nursing program started.
Grant: up to 110,000 GEL
👉 https://www.rda.gov.ge/programs/490937-merdzeveobis-dargis-modernizatsiis-da-bazarze-tsvdomis-sakhelmtsipho-programa/d05deba5-0cca-4990-8e39-2afc7bb6f0ac
The application can be submitted from February 5, 2024. The deadline has not been determined

✅🔥 Certification of food safety management systems for beef and dairy processors (including slaughterhouses), animal feed and veterinary medicine manufacturers in Georgia. GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000:2018, FSSC22000, BRCGS etc.
Grant: depends on the project
👉 https://www.jobs.ge/ge/?view=jobs&id=463542
Application Deadline: February 29, 2024

✅🔥 GITA grant for stimulating the development of innovative products and services with international potential, their commercialization and the creation of innovative enterprises.
Grant: up to 150,000 GEL
👉 https://grants.gov.ge/ka/grantebi?call=284
Application Deadline: February 29, 2024

✅🔥 Innovation grants for Ajara, Imereti and Guria regions. Goal: strengthening the local innovative and technological ecosystem and creating innovative and technological startups through the development-utilization and commercialization of innovative products, services, technologies and processes.
Grant: up to 25,000 GEL
👉 Adjara – https://shorturl.at/bdvK0
👉 Imereti – https://shorturl.at/hFISY
👉 Guria – https://shorturl.at/GHKZ1
Application Deadline: February 29, 2024

✅🔥 Land O'Lakes Venture37 competition. If you are a profit-driven beef and dairy producer, as well as a processor, slaughterhouse, etc. type of organization and you want to start production of fresh beef and dairy products, including by-products, then this program is for you.
Grant: $50,000
👉 https://www.jobs.ge/ge/?view=jobs&id=504981
Application Deadline: February 29, 2024

✅🔥 Cultural Small Grants Program – U.S. Embassy in Georgia.
Grant: $24,000
👉 https://ge.usembassy.gov/cultural-small-grants-prog
